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What food supplement for hair loss?

Tired of repeated antihair loss treatments and overly aggressive treatment shampoos, you want to effectively fight this hair loss problem and strengthen your hair? To affect the beauty of your hair from the inside, dietary supplements are undoubtedly the right solution.

What are the potential causes of hair loss?

Hair loss is a hair problem that affects all profiles: whatever your age, sex or hair type, you are not immune to more or less significant hair loss.
However, to enable you to treat your hair loss, it is essential to determine the causes of this hair loss. Here are the different reasons that can explain your hair loss:
A hair loss can be the result of a significant weight loss, or a significant load of stress or fatigue. More generally, hair loss can be linked to anemia.
Thus, an iron deficiency can also be the cause of your hair loss. Since the blood is not properly oxygenated as a result of this deficiency, your hair becomes dull and brittle, and falls out with the first brush strokes.
The change of season can be responsible for your hair loss: it is called “seasonal hair loss”, a natural phenomenon that affects your hair mass in early fall and more rarely in spring.
Finally, hair loss can also be caused by a hormonal change (pregnancy, menopause, stopping taking a contraceptive pill).
If hair loss is often associated with a health problem, or a change of season, but does not represent a danger to your hair fiber; some hair loss may be related to alopecia. Indeed, alopecia can cause abnormal hair loss or even baldness. If you notice that you are losing more than about 100 hairs a day, or that your hair loss is chronic and not limited to the change of season, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

Understand the life cycle of hair

To understand the process of hair loss, it is essential to know the life cycle of the hair. Because if a sudden hair loss can create surprise, even worry and make you doubt the effects of the care you apply on your hair fiber, hair loss is an inevitable natural phenomenon. Indeed, the hair’s life cycle is divided into 3 distinct parts:

– The anagen phase: this first phase is the hair growth period during which the hair fibre develops. This phase lasts about 5 years.
– The catagen phase: during this stage, hair growth is significantly slowed down. This is the rest phase, which lasts from 1 to 4 months.
– The telogen phase: this last phase corresponds to the hair loss. The hair detaches from the hair follicle and falls naturally. This telogen phase can last from 2 to 4 months.

How to fight against hair loss ?

While it is impossible to avoid losing hair every day, there are ways to strengthen your hair, and make it softer and shinier in the long term. To obtain this result, it is essential to carry out hair care regularly: hair mask, conditioner, leave-in care… Moisturizing your hair is essential to maintain it in good health. In order to protect your hair from the aggressions linked to bleaching and colouring which weaken your hair fibre and accentuate its porosity, you are advised to limit your colouring sessions. To act on hair growth, it is also possible for you to perform scalp massages, at home or in an institute. Skull massages are very popular because they stimulate blood microcirculation, while significantly reducing migraines.

Finally, it is recommended that you have a balanced diet to meet all the needs of your body and hair.

The Revivre Labs solution to fight against hair loss

To boost the beauty of your hair and restore a stronger look to your hair, Revivre Labs HNS 250 is the ideal solution to complement your usual hair routine.
This oral beauty enhancer is known to affect the volume, strength and shine of all hair. Whatever your hair type, you will be able to notice an improvement in its appearance at the end of your Revivre Labs treatment. The beneficial effects of Revivre Labs HNS 250 can be explained by the fact that this food supplement is enriched with super-powerful active ingredients. By ingesting the Revivre Labs food supplement, you can benefit from all the virtues of its superior quality ingredients: hyaluronic acid, antioxidant enzyme, minerals and keratin precursor oligopeptides.
This way, your hair is hydrated and protected from environmental aggressions. Reliving Labs HNS 250 can also help restore a beautiful look to your hair in case of anemia. This nutricosmetic food supplement will complement your beauty routine perfectly, and will provide you with nutrients essential to the hair’s life cycle.
Relivre Labs is also the perfect food supplement to consume in anticipation of summer as it helps prevent hair damage and helps to strengthen your hair before seasonal hair loss.
To restore healthier looking hair, Revivre Labs HNS 250 is taken as part of a 3-month course of treatment, at a rate of 2 capsules per day (in one or two doses).

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REVIVRE LABS is a new revolutionary scientific approach to cellular and body organ rejuvenation.

Through extensive ground-breaking high-tech DNA and microbiological analyses, REVIVRE LABS is able to guide its patients with maximum efficiency in their quest for optimum health which results in chronic disease reversal, enhanced vitality & beauty and longer life expectancy.

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Precision & Bespoke Meal Planning

REVIVRE LABS takes these questions seriously in our bid to structure a bespoke catering service with a medical, genetic and scientific approach to nutrition. The key in meal planning at REVIVRE LABS is the individual. What works for one person does not necessarily fit the nutritional needs of the other. That is why it’s a requirement that you as our catering client go through a needs analysis with our nutritional expert, explore and plan a result based diet that will lead to a sustainable habit.

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