Showing 2 Result(s)
Health / Wellness


REVIVRE LABS is a new revolutionary scientific approach to cellular and body organ rejuvenation.

Through extensive ground-breaking high-tech DNA and microbiological analyses, REVIVRE LABS is able to guide its patients with maximum efficiency in their quest for optimum health which results in chronic disease reversal, enhanced vitality & beauty and longer life expectancy.

Health / Wellness

Precision & Bespoke Meal Planning

REVIVRE LABS takes these questions seriously in our bid to structure a bespoke catering service with a medical, genetic and scientific approach to nutrition. The key in meal planning at REVIVRE LABS is the individual. What works for one person does not necessarily fit the nutritional needs of the other. That is why it’s a requirement that you as our catering client go through a needs analysis with our nutritional expert, explore and plan a result based diet that will lead to a sustainable habit.

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